The First Draft is Just You Telling Yourself The Story.

The Beginning

 source: Camera Roll

Essence, the mere abstract of desired scent or taste. Called upon when one is in need of flavour to be added in a peculiar situation or work of art. For me the essence are my thoughts flowing through my fingers and onto allocated letters in order to make desired content available. The mind can be a dreadful place but for some, like myself, it is a place of peace and expectation. Being given the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas among fellow peers like you my dear reader, has given me a joy that I find hard to explain.

Let me not bore you with the cliché introduction as no one really takes heed of those. It is not really something I do, talking about myself, but I think it is mandatory for you (my audience) to be enlightened on what to expect as I hope this will be an ongoing meeting between us. Literature has been my passion since the day I had my first essay topic at school and the difficulty to get me to stop writing has increased over the years. The first piece I ever formally wrote was for my best friend’s assessment. The review I got from that stood as the foundation for me to continue doing what I love best: telling a good story. Library cards are something I never lost as I always had the need to use them in order to feed my imagination and I guess it had a hand in feeding the active imagination I possess today.

Being a full time student, and auditor in the making, has served a few challenges when it came to balancing writing and studying but I thank my sole companion for helping me find my strength and motivation once again. Instead of sitting and stressing over idle situations I found myself putting my emotions into the next best thing I knew how to do, call it channelling my emotions efficiently but it seemed to help. I was in a space that I find difficult to explain. Like a joint to a drug dealer or a bottle of scotch to a drunk, writing feels perfect to me.

Each moment I take to fill my pages is a moment that is between only my thoughts and I. Tranquillity or peace have never felt as good as this and getting to share this priceless moment with you guys is another treasure I withhold. I hope that I was able to captivate you with my reserved amount of diction and I would love to see you again soon. For now I bid you farewell and stay safe.

And remember: NEVER STOP DREAMING! 💙


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